Infamous Second Son (PlayStation 4)

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Taking place in Seattle 7 years after inFAMOUS 2, this game stars a new character named Delsin Rowe who has the ability to absorb Conduits powers. He finds this out when he absorbs a Conduits power to direct, manipulate and transform into smoke. The story is based on the real world dilemma of people giving up freedom for improved security.


The third game in the inFAMOUS series stars a brand new character named Delsin Rowe, a 24 year old Native American who believes he's destined for greatness. Only problem is, that hasn't come yet. He grew up just outside of Seattle where he first gains his powers. After helping a man escape from a fiery bus wreck, he starts absorbing the mans power to direct, manipulate and transform into smoke. His main power is to absorb other Conduits powers.

It's been 7 years since Cole MacGrath used the RFI to wipe out all Conduits on the planet and the world has changed. Not all the Conduits were destroyed from the blast and those who weren't killed are now being caught and imprisoned by the Department of Unified Protection (DUP) - a government agency created to make sure the catastrophic events that took place in Empire City & New Marais never happens again. After DUP finds out about Delsin and tries to capture him, he decides to fight back and show he's not going down without a fight.


As expected from a game in this series, the path the gameplay will take depends on the decisions the player makes throughout the story.


Poteka v Seattlu 7 let po razvpitem 2, ta igra zvezde nov lik z imenom Delsin Rowe, ki ima sposobnost, da absorbira odvodi pooblastil. Najde tole, ko absorbira odvodi moči za usmerjanje, manipulira in se preoblikuje v dimu.Zgodba temelji na resničnem svetu dilemo ljudje odrekli svobodo za večjo varnost.


Tretja tekma v zloglasni seriji zvezde povsem nov lik z imenom Delsin Rowe, 24 letnik Native American, ki verjame, da je namenjeno za veličino. Problem je, da ni prišel še. Odraščal je samo zunaj Seattlu, kjer je najprej pridobi svoja pooblastila. Po pomaga moškega pobegniti iz goreče razbitine avtobusa, začne absorbira Mans moč usmerjati, manipulira in se preoblikuje v dimu. Njegova glavna moč, da absorbira druge odvodi pooblastila.

Minilo je že 7 let, odkar Cole MacGrath uporablja RFI, da bi izbrisala vse kanali na planetu in se je svet spremenil. Niso bili vsi odvodi uničena od eksplozije in tistimi, ki niso bile ubite se zdaj ujeli in zaprli z Oddelka za varstvo Unified (DUP) - vladna agencija ustanovljena, da bi se prepričali o katastrofalni dogodki, ki so se zgodili v Empire City & New Marais nikoli več ne zgodi. Po DUP izve Delsin in ga poskuša ujeti, se odloči, da boj proti nazaj in pokazati, da ne gre dol brez boja.


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