Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Xbox One rabljeno)

  • Kakšen je strošek dostave?
    Strošek dostave znaša 4€ za naročila z maso do pol kilograma in 6€ za naročila z maso nad pol kilograma.
    Strošek dostave je enoten za celotno Slovenijo. Vsi naši paketi so zavarovani.

    V primeru osebnega prevzema ni stroškov obdelave.
  • Kje je možen osebni prevzem?
    Osebni prevzem je možen na prevzemnih mestih

    v Ljubljani, Šmartinska cesta 102 (Mercator Hipermarket)

    v Mariboru, Ob Ribniku 24 (v bližini Pohorske kavarne)

    Na prevzemnih mestih LJ in MB je urejeno brezplačno parkiranje.
  • Kako plačam?
    Pri osebnem prevzemu imate možnost plačila z gotovino, po predračunu ali s plačilnimi karticami (Maestro, Mastercard, Visa, Diners, American Express, Karanta) je možno na vseh prevzemnih mestih.

    Pri dostavi na dom imate možnost plačila z gotovino ob prevzemu, z bančnim nakazilom na naš račun ali s plačilno kartico.

    Plačilo na obroke je možno s plačilnimi karticami NLB MasterCard, NLB Visa, NLB Karanta, Diners, American Express in ostalimi, ki to omogočajo (prejmete SMS za izbiro obrokov).
  • Ali lahko izdelek dobim takoj?
    Lahko. Ker smo spletna trgovina, je potrebno oddati spletno naročilo. V kolikor je izdelek na zalogi v izbranem prevzemnem mestu, ga lahko še isti dan prevzamete.
    Prosimo, da zalogo pred tem preverite po telefonu ali počakate, da vas obvestimo, ko je vaše naročilo pripravljeno za prevzem.

    Če je izdelek na spletni strani označen, da je na zalogi, pomeni, da je na zalogi v vsaj eni poslovni enoti, ni pa nujno, da je v vseh.

Rush through waves of enemies on Starkiller Base with the power of your lightsaber in your hands. Storm through the jungle canopy of a hidden Rebel base on Yavin 4 with your fellow troopers, dispensing firepower from AT-STs. Line up your X-wing squadron for an attack on a mammoth First Order Star Destroyer in space. Or rise as a new Star Wars hero – Iden, an elite Imperial special forces soldier – and discover an emotional and gripping single-player story spanning thirty years. 

Experience rich and living Star Wars multiplayer battlegrounds across all three eras: prequel, classic, and new trilogy. Customize and upgrade your heroes, starfighters, or troopers, each with unique abilities to exploit in battle. Ride tauntauns or take control of tanks and speeders. Down Star Destroyers the size of cities, use the Force to prove your worth against iconic characters such as Kylo Ren, Darth Maul, or Han Solo, as you play a part in a gaming experience inspired by 40 years of timeless Star Wars films. 

You can become the master of your own Star Wars hero’s journey. 

A New Hero, a Story Untold
Jump into the boots of an elite special forces soldier, equally lethal on the ground and space, in an emotionally gripping new Star Wars™ campaign that spans over 30 years and bridges events between the films’ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

The Ultimate Star Wars Battleground 
A Star Wars multiplayer universe unmatched in variety and breadth where up to 40 players fight as iconic heroes, authentic-to-era troopers and in a massive array of vehicles on land and in the air – as battle rages through the galaxy.

Galactic-Scale Space Combat
Space combat has been designed for Star Wars Battlefront II from the ground up with distinct handling, weapons and customization options. Join your squadron and weave in between asteroids fields, fly through Imperial Dock Yards and take down massive capital ships as you pilot legendary starfighters in high stakes dogfights with up to 24 players and 40 AI ships. 

Better Together
Team up with a friend from the comfort of your couch with two-player offline split-screen play*. Earn rewards, customize your troopers and heroes, and bring your upgrades with you on the online multiplayer battleground. 

Master Your Hero
Not just an iconic hero- your hero. Master your craft with customizable character progression. Upgrade abilities unique to each hero, trooper class, and starfighter. Use these abilities to adapt and modify your character’s powers, either as lethal active effects on your opponents, helpful status boosts, or tactical assistance, to counter any opponent on the battlefront.