Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Xbox 360 rabljeno)

  • Kakšen je strošek dostave?
    Strošek dostave znaša 4€ za naročila z maso do pol kilograma in 6€ za naročila z maso nad pol kilograma.
    Strošek dostave je enoten za celotno Slovenijo. Vsi naši paketi so zavarovani.

    V primeru osebnega prevzema ni stroškov obdelave.
  • Kje je možen osebni prevzem?
    Osebni prevzem je možen na prevzemnih mestih

    v Ljubljani, Šmartinska cesta 102 (Mercator Hipermarket)

    v Mariboru, Ob Ribniku 24 (v bližini Pohorske kavarne)

    Na prevzemnih mestih LJ in MB je urejeno brezplačno parkiranje.
  • Kako plačam?
    Pri osebnem prevzemu imate možnost plačila z gotovino, po predračunu ali s plačilnimi karticami (Maestro, Mastercard, Visa, Diners, American Express, Karanta) je možno na vseh prevzemnih mestih.

    Pri dostavi na dom imate možnost plačila z gotovino ob prevzemu, z bančnim nakazilom na naš račun ali s plačilno kartico.

    Plačilo na obroke je možno s plačilnimi karticami NLB MasterCard, NLB Visa, NLB Karanta, Diners, American Express in ostalimi, ki to omogočajo (prejmete SMS za izbiro obrokov).
  • Ali lahko izdelek dobim takoj?
    Lahko. Ker smo spletna trgovina, je potrebno oddati spletno naročilo. V kolikor je izdelek na zalogi v izbranem prevzemnem mestu, ga lahko še isti dan prevzamete.
    Prosimo, da zalogo pred tem preverite po telefonu ali počakate, da vas obvestimo, ko je vaše naročilo pripravljeno za prevzem.

    Če je izdelek na spletni strani označen, da je na zalogi, pomeni, da je na zalogi v vsaj eni poslovni enoti, ni pa nujno, da je v vseh.

Igra ni na ploščku ampak v elektronski obliki.  Xbox 360 je potrebno priklopiti na internet, da se igra preko interneta prenese na interni trdi disk. 

Za prenos in aktivacijo igre je potrebno imeti Xbox Live račun.


Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is your last chance to rescue America's sexiest city from an escalating terrorist siege that will force you into heart-pounding action from beginning to end. Sin City is back and bigger than before. Explore all new Vegas hot spots as the environment changes from dusk to bright daylight to dawn, creating a visual experience that is as challenging as it is breathtaking. The multiplayer mode in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas has been upgraded to include 11 new, smaller maps that force more intense face-offs, 2 new adversarial modes, more rewards, and easier access to matches using the improved and intuitive matchmaking system. Create your own identity that stays the same in both single player and multiplayer modes and progresses as you do. Reap the benefits of your single player rewards in multiplayer and vice versa. Turn single player mode into co-op mode at any time, just by jumping into the game. Now your friend can jump into your single player game and help you without any change to the story. Single player maps and storyline were created with co-op in mind, which means every map has multiple entry points and the story is the same. AI is more challenging than ever. Now, the terrorists are equipped with thermal vision, night vision, and shields – not to mention a multitude of varying reactions – all of which are guaranteed to give you a new playing experience every time you go into battle. As you progress within the game, you'll only be able to outsmart your enemies by taking advantage of intel opportunities, such as thermal scanning, and tactical strategies, such as leapfrogging. Take down the terrorists more effectively using 11 new weapons. New camouflage, clothing and gear allow you to take customization to the next level. [Ubisoft